Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prevalence of Eating Disorders in Males-on Fox News tomorrow!

Dr. Randy Flanery, PhD will be featured on local Channel 2 Fox News tomorrow, Dec. 1, at 7:40am speaking about the prevalence of eating disorders in males.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

thanks Eating Disorder Hope!

Eating Disorder Hope blog:  http://eatingdisorderhope.blogspot.com/
Hope Club blog(for professionals): http://edhopeclub.blogspot.com/
Anorexia Hope blog:  http://anorexiahope.blogspot.com/
Bulimia Hope blog:
Compulsive Overeating blog: http://compulsiveovereatinghope.blogspot.com/
Overeating Hope blog: http://overeatinghope.blogspot.com/
Eating Disorder Recovery 101 blog: http://eatingdisorderrecovery101.blogspot.com/
Eating Disorder Hope College blog: http://collegeeatingdisorderhope.blogspot.com/
Commentary on Cultures and Eating Disorders blog: http://eatingdisorderhopeculture.blogspot.com/
Compulsive Spending blog: http://compulsivespendinghope.blogspot.com/
Eating Disorder Hope Twitter Page:  http://twitter.com/edhope
Eating Disorder Hope Facebook Page:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eating-Disorder-Hope/83317933683?ref=s
Eating Disorder Hope MySpace Page: 
Eating Disorder Hope Xanga Page: http://eatingdisorderhope.xanga.com/

Eating Disorders in later adulthood-by Kim McCallum

Featured article written by Dr. Kim McCallum, MD
Check out the newsbox on the home page of EDH @ http://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/index.html