Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More U.S. children, adolescents suffer eating disorders - report

"A new review led by researchers of University of Michigan found eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia are on the rise in U.S. children and adolescents. David S. Rosen, MD, MPH, of the University of Michigan Health System reviewed about 200 studies and estimated that 0.5 percent of adolescent girls suffer anorexia nervosa and 1 to 2 percent have bulimia. Eating disorders are particularly on the rise in boys who account for up to 10 percent of all cases of eating disorders."  Read this article

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prevalence of Eating Disorders in Males-on Fox News tomorrow!

Dr. Randy Flanery, PhD will be featured on local Channel 2 Fox News tomorrow, Dec. 1, at 7:40am speaking about the prevalence of eating disorders in males.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

thanks Eating Disorder Hope!

Eating Disorder Hope blog:
Hope Club blog(for professionals):
Anorexia Hope blog:
Bulimia Hope blog:
Compulsive Overeating blog:
Overeating Hope blog:
Eating Disorder Recovery 101 blog:
Eating Disorder Hope College blog:
Commentary on Cultures and Eating Disorders blog:
Compulsive Spending blog:
Eating Disorder Hope Twitter Page:
Eating Disorder Hope Facebook Page:
Eating Disorder Hope MySpace Page:
Eating Disorder Hope Xanga Page:

Eating Disorders in later adulthood-by Kim McCallum

Featured article written by Dr. Kim McCallum, MD
Check out the newsbox on the home page of EDH @

Friday, September 10, 2010

Webster Wellness Professionals

Did you know...
Dr. Kim McCallum teamed up with Dr. Randy Flanery, Dr Monica Bishop and Dr. Caroline Rudnick in an all new outpatient clinic for obesity and disordered eating. Webster Wellness Professionals is a '1-stop shop' offering evidenced-based psychiatric, medical, dietetic and psychotherapy care so clients no longer have to drive around multiple locations to see their outpatient team (therapist, psychiatrist, physician, dietitian, etc). Wow!

We are proud to be the only outpatient clinic like this in the state of Missouri and to have staff who are faculty and adjunct professors at Washington University and St Louis University. We bet your eager now to check out our programs.... GO!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"America the Beautiful"

by Suzanne Rogers

On July 13, 2010, a Hollywood video company will be releasing America the Beautiful on DVD. After being shown at more than 20 film festivals around the world, Producer Darryl Roberts was able to sell the DVD rights of this film to a Hollywood video company. With the success of this documentary come new marketing strategies to help make this film even more successful. One such strategy is the new design of the film’s poster.

The original artwork, designed by David Friedman of Portland, is the Statue of Liberty with lipstick and blush on her face and arrows pointing to areas on the “body” with photoshop markings that read “airbrush wrinkles” and “install implants” to name a few. She is also holding a palette of makeup in her left hand along with a makeup brush instead of the date-inscribed tablet she’s usually holding. According to producer Darryl Roberts, the reason for using the Statue of Liberty on the original poster “…was to show the essence of being a woman. The beauty, the strength and the power." Tens of thousands of people have commented on this poster to express their liking of this version. The new version of the poster, however, will help to sell tens of thousands of copies of this DVD, according to the Hollywood video company executives. Instead of the Statue of Liberty, there is a tall, blonde-haired, fair-complexioned, bikini-clad woman – an image that most would probably consider to be the ideal of beautiful. Essentially, she appears to be flawless. But still, there are photoshop markings, some original and some new, such as “Flabby,” “This girl needs botox,” and "Would removing a rib help?" According to Mr. Roberts, “this new concept is a slap in the face to every woman living and is exploitation and commercialism at its absolute worst.”

With the release of this film just a few days away, it is important for as many people as possible to know that despite the changes, the film is still going to convey the same message:  how the fashion, cosmetic, and plastic surgery industries perpetuate an unrealistic image of perfection that leads to low self-esteem, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), and eating disorders. Darryl Roberts will still be selling the DVD with the original artwork on the film's web site as long as people still want this version. Whether you have already seen the film or are planning on seeing it in the near future, there are questions you can ask yourself or friends and family to help shed more light on the role media plays in your lives, such as “Does the media portray unrealistic images of beauty because it’s what people want to see or because it sells?” or “How often during the day do you see advertisements with women who appear to be flawless?” By discussing these types of questions with others or by writing in your journal,  you will begin to shed light on just how big media’s role is in each of our lives on a daily basis and how it impacts our society.

McCallum Place is bringing this film and Producer Darryl Roberts to St. Louis on February 24, 2011 during NEDAwareness Week. Check our web site over the coming months for more information. To learn more about this documentary, visit

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

EDC's Lobby Day in Washington DC

by Suzanne Rogers

The Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC) had its first Lobby Day of 2010 this past April. For months, the EDC was encouraging Americans from across the county to attend Lobby Day on Capitol Hill on April 26th and 27th to advocate for the Federal Response to Eliminate Eating Disorders (FREED) Act. Conceptualized in February 2009 by the Eating Disorders Coalition, the FREED Act is the first comprehensive eating disorders bill in the history of the U.S. Congress and was formally introduced in the House (HR 1193) by Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) in February of 2009. The EDC's mission is to advance the federal recognition of eating disorders as a public health priority. By surveying past and current efforts, raising visibility, advocating and educating members of Congress the EDC reaches its goals.

The FREED Act was introduced in the U.S. Senate on April 27th by Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and Al Franken (D-MN). The FREED Act is the first comprehensive legislative effort introduced in the Senate. The FREED Act aims to confront eating disorders by expanding federal research and improving tracking and recording of the actual numbers of people suffering and dying from eating disorders. In addition, it aims to provide training for a wide array of health professionals and educators so that they can better screen for and identify eating disorders. Moreover, the FREED Act aims to create a new patient advocacy program to help patients get proper care, along with authorizing grants for eating disorders prevention programs.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), 11 million Americans suffer from eating disorders. Because eating disorders are usually undiagnosed and untreated, this number is much higher. With the FREED Act, grants would be given to social work and nursing schools, for example, to train health care providers to better identify and treat eating disorders. Moreover, the FREED Act would require the development of new methods to track the prevalence and severity of eating disorders. These are just a few of the benefits of having the FREED Act introduced to legislature.

The bill is now being reviewed by the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. While the majority of bills never make it out of committee, there is a very real possibility that the FREED Act will if each of us take the time to educate ourselves and educate others. Lastly, each of us can write to our respective representative in the U.S. House of Representatives, stressing the importance of the FREED Act as well as educating them about eating disorders.

To learn more about eating disorders, visit the following web sites:
National Institue of Mental Health (NIMH):

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA):

Academy for Eating Disorders:
Binge Eating Disorder Association:

The Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC)

To write your representative:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ED's, Insurance, and Why Senate Bill 744 Matters for Missourians

by Jessica Heitman, Contributing Writer

We have a big fight ahead of us and need more Missourians to advocate for eating disorders. People really have no clue when it comes to eating disorders. After all, an outsider’s perspective that I have heard countless times is, "Why should we have to pay for people who chose to starve themselves?" As an outsider, I guess that is what an eating disorder could look like: an attempt for women (the “target audience”) to lose weight by starving. However, eating disorders are not really about weight at all. They stem from deep psychological, cultural, and genetic problems.

I was in attendance during the Senate Hearing in Jefferson City last month for Senate Bill 744. At the senate hearing, I spoke about the importance of education in regards to eating disorders and how insurance coverage could help so many sufferers in the state of Missouri. When I was in the 5th grade, my teacher took me aside during recess and told me she was concerned I may have an eating disorder because I always complained of headaches and laid my head down during class. She advised me to talk to my parents about her concern. Did I talk to my parents? No. Did my teacher follow up with my parents or myself? No. So at the onset of my eating disorder, at the very beginning stage, I know now that it could have been treated early and I could have possibly made full recovery if this one teacher had been educated on how to go about handling a student that has or potentially has an eating disorder. I do not blame her - she was not educated enough to know what she should do.

By the time I was a sophomore in high school, my life was devoted to my eating disorder. I was an All-American cheerleader and made straight A's in school. I was a perfectionist to say the least. My cheerleading coach was the first to recognize there was a problem AND pursue it with all her ability. This was six years after my teacher in 5th grade saw reasons to be concerned. By this time, I had been suffering with anorexia for six years, eating nothing for a week or more at a time, scarfing down diet and energy pills, and exercising until I literally passed out from exhaustion. My body was giving up.

I refer to eating disorders as a silent killer because even my parents refused to believe there was a problem. My coach tried to get me help and begged my parents to get me the help I so desperately needed three times before my coach herself took matters into her own hands. She threatened my parents with getting family services involved. It was April of my sophomore year when she and my mother took me to McCallum Place, an eating disorder treatment center in St. Louis, to see a therapist. Within ten minutes, my vitals and weight were taken and I was sent immediately to Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. I was inches away from death because of my anorexia, something that could have been halted six years early with proper education. My weight was low, I was severely dehydrated, my electrolytes were imbalanced, my heart rate was in the 20s... the symptoms of my eating disorder went on and on. I spent three weeks in the hospital on bed rest while hooked up to IVs and a heart monitor before I was transferred to McCallum Place for 24 residential hour care.

I spent only one month at McCallum Place before being denied treatment by my insurance company because I had stabilized and was no longer a medical problem, according to my insurance companies’ standards. Because of this, I have relapsed many times. I am now 22 years old and have been a sufferer of anorexia and bulimia for about 12 years.The recommended time for treatment varies for each individual, but the average length of time for treatment is 4-6 weeks, but most need about 3 months in treatment.

It is my hope that the people of Missouri see the need for early treatment and education for eating disorders so that others can fight a righteous battle. When eating disorders are 'caught' early on, there is a greater chance of recovery. However, there is a 20% death rate in those who suffer with anorexia. In my opinion, this percentage is much greater because of the secrecy that surrounds this disease. The statistics available are helpful, but not accurate.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2010 NEDA Walk a Success

by Suzanne Rogers

Despite the chilly weather on March 27th, more than 150 participants came to Tower Grove Park for the St. Louis area's second annual NEDA Walk. Combined, more than $8,000 was raised, all of which goes directly to NEDA for eating disorder research and awareness.

Miss Missouri Tara Osseck, whose platform is eating disorder awareness and prevention, attended the event and emceed during the first half of the walk as her job required her to be in Mexico, Missouri later that day. Reneigh DeBoer, Nia Instrcutor, lead the fun group warm-up that warmed everybody up after just a few minutes. Jennifer Kamer, MA, PLPC of McCallum Place emceed for the remainder of the event. Judith Shaw was this year's NEDA Walk recovery speaker and she shared her personal story with everyone. Also an artist, Judith held an exhibit during NEDAwareness Week named "Body of Work: The Art of Eating Disorder Recovery" that reflected her experiences during her recovery process. Michelle Acord made beautiful one-of-a-kind eating disorder awareness bracelets and she donated some of the proceeds to NEDA. The community art project involved people of all ages and the raffle drawing helped to raise even more proceeds for NEDA. None of this would have been possible without the help of the many volunteers who sacrificed their time over the past year to help organize this year's walk.

We hope that next year's walk will be even more successful. We're already planning on holding the 2011 NEDA walk later in the year so that there is no chance of needing fleece pullovers, coats, gloves, and hats. Thank you to the St. Louis area's NEDA Walk Coordinator Kate Evett, RD, LD and all of the volunteers who contributed their time and resources. Thank you to SSM Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center's Eating Disorder Program for attending and setting up a booth as well as McCallum Place. And thank you to all of you who participated in the walk. You have all helped to raise awareness for eating disorders in our community and we hope to continue doing so year-round.

All of the photos from this year's walk can be viewed by going to our page on Facebook,; click on the "Photos" tab and then select the "NEDA Walk 2010" photo album. You do not have to have a personal Facebook account to view the photos. In addition, NEDA has selected a few of our photos from the walk to be placed on their website. Go to their website at; select "About us" and then scroll down to "Photo Gallery" and select the "NEDA Walks" photo album.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jenni Schaefer Visits McCallum Place

by Suzanne Rogers

Jenni Schaefer, author of "Life with Ed" and "Goodbye Ed, Hello Me" is in St. Louis, Missouri today as part of Saint Louis University's eating disorder awareness week. Jenni visited our treatment suite this morning to speak with current patients in treatment as well as staff members and also sang us a few of her songs. Her message for all of us was filled with hope - hope that discovering oneself is once again possible, hope that freedom from Ed is possible, and hope that being recovered from Ed is possible. We want to thank Jenni for taking the time to visit our treatment suite and for encouraging messages she gave to all of us. You can learn more about Jenni by visiting her website at

Monday, February 15, 2010

2nd Annual 1-mile Walk-a-Thon

by Suzanne Rogers

The St. Louis area's 2nd annual National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) Walk is less than six weeks away! The 1-mile walk-a-thon will be held on Saturday, March 27, at 10:00am. The location will once again be Tower Grove Park's Sons of Rest Pavilion located at 4256 Magnolia Avenue. Registration is $30 and includes the event t-shirt. Participants will be able to register on-site or through online registration by visiting McCallum Place's web site ( If interested in volunteering or for more information, please e-mail or call (314) 968-1900.

Are you wondering what the NEDA Walk is? The NEDA Walk is a collective effort of volunteers who are committed to raising awareness of the dangers surrouding eating disorders and the need for early intervention and treatment. The first NEDA Walk kicked off during NEDA Awareness Week 2009 in Seattle. McCallum Place's own Kate Evett, RD, LD is the St. Louis area’s NEDA Walk Coordinator. All proceeds raised will go directly to NEDA.

NEDA, formed in 2001, is a non-proft organization that is dedicated to supporting those who suffer from an eating disorder as well as families and friends who may be affected. NEDA compaigns for prevention, improved access to quality treatment, and increased reasearch funding to better understand eating disorders. NEDA effortlessly works with partners and volunteers to develop programs and tools to help everyone who seeks assistance. Dr. Kimberli McCallum, founder and medical director of McCallum Place, is on the NEDA Board of Directors. For more information about NEDA, visit their web site at

NEDA Awareness Week is February 21-27, 2010 and this year's theme is "It's Time to Talk About It." The aim of NEDA Awareness Week is to ultimately prevent eating disorders and body image issues while reducing the stigma surrounding eating disorders and improving access to treatment. Eating disorders are serious, life-threatening illnesses — not choices — and it’s important to recognize the pressures, attitudes and behaviors that shape the disorder. Raising awareness and helping to provide accurate information about eating disorders is something YOU can do to help. There are many ways to do this, such as distributing flyers around your college campus or in you employer break room, contributing a guest column to your local newspaper, or by scheduling a presentation at your area library. No matter the way(s) in which you are able to contribute, you are making a difference. Visit NEDA's web site for more ideas or to register in a NEDA Walk in your community.